

All material presented here must be read carefully and followed properly. Proper use of the product will insure that the device will provide the user with maximum useful protection. If the product instructions for proper use as well as warnings are not followed correctly, then this may result in serious injury or death to the wearer.

All warranties with respect to this product will be voided if the instructions for proper use and safe storage of the product are not followed as outlined in this manual. If any additional information is required please contact   ISOPharm Inc. during business hours. 9:00 AM till 5:00 PM

  • Use the escape hood immediately after breaking seal.
  • Use only in well ventilated areas.
  • Never re-use the escape hood as it is designed for a single use application.
  • Store the device in its original sealed inner package.
  • The escape hood is not designed or approved to be used in underground tunnels, air craft, or in buildings above 6 stories high. The escape device does not provide the wearer with a supply of oxygen nor a supply breathable air.
  • Do not change or substitute nor modify any components of the product.
  • Do not use the device unless all instructions have been read carefully and are fully understood and complied with.
  • The product is approved for LIMITED USE ONLY. It is approved to provide protection from particulate found in smoke as outlined in the specification of relevant parts of EN 403, for a period of 5 MINUTES, within environments containing Carbon Monoxide. Misuse will result in serious injury or death.
  • Before donning the escape hood, remove all items that could damage or impede the  proper use of the hood, such as facial jewelry, necklaces, hats and scarves that may interfere with a proper fit around the neck, when the hood is gathered firmly around the neck.
  • Do not use in temperatures below minus – 17 degrees Celsius.
  • Do not use in temperatures above plus + 48 degrees Celsius
  • Do not store the product in temperatures below the minus – 17 degrees or above plus + 48 degrees Celsius.
  • Do not store product in direct sunlight.
  • While wearing the device and are escaping from fire, do not walk into flames.
  • Do not use the device if you have an excessively bushy beard.
  • Do not use in an industrial environment.

Shelf Life of Device

The shelf life of the device is ( 3 ) years,  as outlined on  the expiry date.  Do not use the device past the expiry date.


The escape hood does not require any maintenance when stored in its original un- opened packaging.

Substitute Declaration

The escape hood is certified, and complies with the requirements of Annex II of the Directive PPE – Personal Protective Equipment – and relevant parts of EN 403, Certificate Number EC Certificate DK 0200 PPE 2260 version 1. Protection for the wearer is provided and achieved by the action of drawing air through the filter which removes air born particles during the normal breathing action. Exhaled air in the hood enclosure is safe to breath for a period of five (5) minutes. Do not exceed the five minute duration of use allowance as outlined in the wear instructions. Exceeding the duration of use period may result in serious injury or death.